Dedicated to Henry Beston's literary classic and the
spirit of life on the Great Outer Beach of Cape Cod

Life defies explanation ...
and it should stay that way

It's right about this time of year that the complaints about the policies of the Cape Cod National Seashore are at an annual high.

"Damn Seashore people," many SUV owners are saying. "Why do they have to be do so tight about the regulations? What a pain in the neck!"

Well, keep this in mind -- if the CCNS wasn't such a "pain" about this and many other rules about protecting this fragile kingdom of nature, then it wouldn't be what it is today -- the last remaining fragment of "Olde Cape Cod."

While this is the land of the free, there's always been a need for some sort of method of controlling the madness -- keeping people, the most intelligent and reckless of God's creatures, from destroying everything around them.

Don by the Sea
By Don Wilding

It's been said that a human being actually utilizes something like 5 or 10 percent of his or her brain power, with the remainder still untapped. God may be the only universal force with the ability to harness 100 percent of brain power, which is what probably puts Him at the lofty status He has in the first place.

The plain truth about it all is that if human beings had this capability and were without some kind of restriction, there's no telling how far out of control the global situation would spiral.

In the pages of "Northern Farm: A Glorious Year on a Small Maine Farm," Henry Beston is quick to note that he is "profoundly grateful that so much of life defies human explanation."

"A world without wonder, and a way of mind without wonder, becomes a world without imagination, and without imagination man is a poor and stunted creature," Beston continues. "Let us thank God that so much will forever remain out of reach, safe from our inquiry, inviolate forever from our touch."

Yes, there is a reason why it is all so "inviolate forever from our touch." Much like a parent doesn't allow a three-year-old child to cross the street by himself -- the child doesn't have the capabilities to handle the responsibility. We need to continue to have that sense of wonder of what it's all about -- it's probably for own good. We're probably better off just sitting back and enjoying what we have.

Filed May 14, 2000

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